It seems like every time I talk to someone lately—whether it's an existing client, a new client, or a potential client—they tell me about some trend, hack or rumor they've heard about and feel they need to worry about.
Last week, I heard two notable ones: that Instagram penalizes content created in Canva (they don't, by the way) and the more widespread claim that Google penalizes content created using AI.
This last one had me really worried because, in full transparency, I use Chat GPT every day for everything I write! I'm not ashamed or embarrassed to admit that Chat GPT has drastically improved the way I do business.
So, when my client mentioned that she had heard AI-generated content can hurt SEO, while I responded with, "Hmmm, that's interesting, I'll have to look into that," what I was thinking on the inside was, "Oh shit, I NEED to look into that!"
And look into it I did. But, instead of listening to all the "gurus" or so-called "experts" who often try to be the first to the party with their wild claims (or more accurately rumors), I went straight to the source: Google.
Before I reveal my findings, I want to share how this rumor started and why it's so important not to listen to rumor mongers—and what you should do instead. The rumor began when Google announced in March of this year (2024) that they would be instituting new spam policies and how this relates to AI-generated content.
People ran with this announcement and spun it to make it seem as though Google penalizes the general use of AI-generated content. Perhaps they did this to benefit themselves in some way, to sell their products or services, or just to get attention—I have no idea.
However, it's very clear in everything that Google has released that it does not penalize AI-generated content! Not only will your AI-generated content not hurt your SEO, but it could actually help. More on this in a bit. turns out that not only have I not been hurting mine (or my clients) SEO efforts, but I have in fact been doing exactly what Google recommends.
"At Google, we've long believed in the power of AI to transform the ability to deliver helpful information."
"Google rewards high quality content, however it is produced. "
"When it comes to automatically generated content, our guidance has been consistent for years. Using automation—including AI—to generate content with the primary purpose of manipulating ranking in search results is a violation of our spam policies. This said, it's important to recognize that not all use of automation, including AI generation, is spam. Automation has long been used to generate helpful content."
"AI has the ability to power new levels of expression and creativity, and to serve as a critical tool to help people create great content for the web."
I doesn't get more clear than that and this is coming directly from the horse's mouth!
I haven't always been so forthcoming with my clients about using Chat GPT. I didn't lie to them, but I also didn't volunteer the fact that I use Chat GPT to help write their blog posts, taglines, or website copy.
I hesitated to share this information, fearing they might think I was lazily putting in a simple prompt and then copying and pasting. That is not how it works—at least not the way I use it. Most people don't understand the effort and finesse it takes to produce great results using Chat GPT. It is a skill in itself.
I do not let Chat GPT do my writing for me. I don't copy and paste randomly without considering my clients or readers. Quite the opposite, I use Chat GPT because of the high regard I have for them. I've always considered myself very articulate when speaking and I know exactly what I want to say, but when it comes to putting it down in writing, I struggle to get my words to cooperate and form sentences that truly express my thoughts and feelings. Enter Chat GPT.
Chat GPT is like my own personal assistant who excels at putting my thoughts and feelings into words.
Almost everything I write (including this blog post) goes through Chat GPT to see how my "assistant" will rewrite it for me. I typically give the prompt, "Please rewrite for clarity, flow, and grammar but leave the content, tone, and message intact." These are my words, but sometimes when they go through Chat GPT, they come out even more accurate to my thoughts and feelings. Most of the time, I literally could not have said it better myself.
Are there times when my "assistant" is having an off day and doesn't get it right the first time? Absolutely! And there are times when Chat GPT rewrites something for me and I'm like, "Nah, I think I like mine better." It's a beautiful collaboration, but the essence of everything I write with the help of Chat GPT is 100% mine.
And, just as you would with a human assistant, you need to know how to relate to and communicate with Chat GPT to get the results you want, maintain the integrity of your writing, and stay true to your voice.
I am now proud to say that I use AI to help me become a more articulate writer, and this benefits not only myself but my clients as well. Google recognizes that AI has the ability to power new levels of expression and creativity and to serve as a critical tool for creating great content for the web. This is exactly how I am using it! Yay me!
My stance has always been to stop worrying about the "rumors," "hacks," and "tricks" and instead focus on building and running a business centered on being of service to people. This approach might not always yield immediate results, but it is well worth it in the long run.
Just as Google emphasizes "creating helpful, reliable, people-first content," you should focus on creating a helpful, reliable, people-first business.
It's important to stay informed, but don't listen to the rumor mills. Whenever possible, go directly to the source for your information. If you can't find the information directly from the source, seek out experts in the industry whom you know and trust
Stop worrying about the ever-changing algorithms, hacks, trends, and tricks, and instead, put that time and energy into creating a business that aims to educate, inspire, add value, and be of service. By prioritizing the needs of your clients and delivering genuine value, you build a strong foundation that will stand the test of time.
And my assistant agrees with me!